November 16, 2023
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Frameright Newsletter October 2023

Example image with and without IDC

Frameright launches on Product Hunt on Tuesday next week and other updates

TLDR: We are launching on Product Hunt on October 10th, and we would be really happy for you to join virtually by upvoting Frameright. Comments count as well, so if you can comment, that would be doubly amazing 🤩

Your activity, especially at the beginning of the launch, can have a significant impact and contribute to our success. You can find our teaser and sign up on Product Hunt here. By doing so, you will be notified when it's time to take action. Through Product Hunt, we aim to generate new connections and receive valuable feedback. Your activity can help us get featured and gain more visibility 👀

In the meantime, take advantage of our Pro features on for two months for free using the code: PRODUCTHUNTVOTE23

Here are some additional updates from the last weeks:

🧹 We have now organized the documentation for all our open-source projects! Visit to learn more about the following:

  • React component and web component for your front-end
  • Node.js and PHP libraries for parsing image region metadata for browsers
  • WordPress plugin

🧑‍🏫 Check out our new tutorials that cover the latest version of These tutorials start from the very basics, and we will continue to add videos for more advanced features.

Our investors from SCNE made sure we spent some time outside the office as well. They took all their portfolio companies out to the Spree for a refreshing and fun boat party 🐰 Also featured on the FOMO Berlin newsletter. Highly recommended for all Berliners and everyone who's planning to visit here.

We value your feedback, don't hesitate to reach out to us at if you have any questions or comments about our new release.

And, remember to mark down next week Tuesday, October 10th in your calendars 🗓

Thank you for your support 🤗


The Frameright Team